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Thursday, 2 October 2014

Fabulous Benefits of Walking - Good for Your Body and Mind!

The benefits of walking will impact your physical and emotional health. Not only will you look better, but you'll feel better too. Walking will help you lose weight, get fit, improve your moods and reduce your carbon footprint. Truly, walking is one of the most perfect sports! Read on for more exciting benefits.

Benefits of Walking - Physical Health

Research has shown that walking can control or prevent some cancers, such as breast cancer. In addition, it can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Walking can lower blood pressure; improve your energy level and overall stamina. It will increase your metabolism, making it easier to burn calories, even while sleeping or reading a book!

Benefits of Walking - Emotional Health

Studies have shown that walking improves moods and self-esteem. It has also been shown to reduce the symptoms of major depression.

Benefits of Walking - Slow the Signs of Aging

Walking is gentle on your joints, muscles and bones. The risk of injury is therefore extremely low. Walking can keep you in top physical condition with very little "wear and tear" to your body.

Walking will strengthen your bones and muscles and improve your circulation. This will make you look and feel younger.
Because it is considered a low to moderate impact activity, it doesn't cause injuries as often as high impact sports like running.

Benefits of Walking - Improve the Environment

Using your feet to get from one point to the other instead of your car helps reduce greenhouse gases, which improves the quality of the air and slows global warming.

Benefits of Walking - Improve Your Budget!

Besides a good pair of walking shoes, you won't need much else to begin walking. No expensive start-up fees or equipment is needed. This is one sport that costs very little. In addition, you can walk anywhere, anytime!

The emotional and physical benefits of walking are truly astounding. You'll begin to experience these benefits in a few short weeks.

Walking is safe and virtually anyone can do it. You can walk at home, at work or on vacation. It's portable and convenient!

If you can't find thirty minutes to an hour for walking, try breaking up your walks into fifteen-minute segments. These short bursts of activity have been shown to be just as effective as walking for a full thirty to sixty minutes.

Hopefully these benefits of walking have inspired you to begin a fitness walking routine. Check with your doctor first to ensure you are ready to exercise. In a few weeks, you'll be on your way to leaner, trimmer, fitter, younger-looking you!

About the Author

For more incredible benefits of walking, visit or

About the Author:
Melissa Ellefsen is passionate about fitness walking! Visit for advice, recommendations and the latest news on all things related to fitness walking.

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