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Saturday, 1 November 2014

Check Out These Amazing And Simple Fitness Tips!

Adding a fitness regimen to your everyday routine is important, and not as hard as you would think.
You may feel like you do not have the time or energy, but even a real quick workout will help you feel healthier. This article will give you some great tips for beginning a fitness regimen that works for you.

To stay fit, forget the phrase, "No pain, no gain!" This phrase is absolutely untrue! If you do a workout that causes you to suffer, you will be highly unlikely to continue to do it consistently. Instead of choosing exercise routines and forms of exercise that cause you distress, choose activities that you enjoy and want to do. Consistency is far more important in pursuing, attaining, and maintaining fitness than intensity.

Choose the right shoes for your fitness program. The right shoe can make a difference in how far you run and how stable you are when you're lifting weights. Make sure you look for shoes later in the day when the food has widened. Make sure there is ample room to move your toes around and that there is a half-inch additional space for your big toe.
The intensity an individual puts into their own exercise activities will determine how effective they are at increasing fitness. The more one pushes their body during exercise the more it will grow. One needs to give a hundred percent to truly test themselves and challenge their bodies limits, expanding them at the same time.

Taking hikes is a good way to improve many aspects of fitness. Hiking will improve strength in ones legs as well as improving ones cardiovascular system. Hiking can also have the added benefit of being a good stress reliever. Also one can adjust the difficulty by adding or removing weight in a backpack.

Home gyms may seem expensive, but you can create a small gym in your house for less than you may think. A treadmill, exercise bike and a set of weights, will only cost a couple hundred dollars. While your local gym may offer a lot more, most people don't have time to go to a gym every day.
To help you stay motivated with your fitness plan, consider working out with a buddy. The support that you get from working out with a friend or a group of friends can go a long way towards keeping you interested and committed. Starting a walking group or joining a gym together are great ways to get fit with friends.

If the idea of regularly working out at a gym or health club leaves you with cold feet, look for recreational activities that are both, energizing and exciting. Rock climbing is becoming increasingly popular in gyms and fitness centers and offers an excellent workout for the muscles in your arms, legs and back.

Flexing your glutes when you do a rep is recommended when lifting weights over your head. This will exercise your butt and is a safer way of working out in general. This position then offers more stabilization for your spine.

You can improve your jumping height by doing a simple jumping exercise. Stand on an 8 inch high step and step off backward using both of your feet. When your toes hit the ground, jump forward back onto the step. The key is to press off as quickly as possible as soon as your toes hit the ground. Do at least three to five sets of 10-20 of these to improve the speed and height of your vertical jump.
As stated in the beginning of this article, it may seem hard to fit a fitness regimen into your everyday routine, but it is possible. Hopefully this article has given you some great tips for fitting some fitness into your busy life. You will find that in no time at all, you'll be feeling healthier and have much more energy.

About the Author:

I am simply your typical individual but I genuinely know quite a bit on the subject of home strength training. I've posted a good deal of additional information on the subject on this blog. - Original article

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Herbs That Boost Metabolism

Metabolism is defined as all chemical reactions that occur in living organisms including humans. Metabolism includes digestion and the transfer of nutrients to all the cells in our body. Metabolism's bottom line for us humans is about feeling good and being healthy.
Increased weight loss can result by boosting your metabolism. What it means is that the faster our metabolism, the more calories are burned resulting in weight loss.

A few herbs that boost metabolism can get your metabolism going and provide other health benefits.
Here is a list of herbs that boost metabolism.

Ginseng, both Asian and American, boost your metabolic rate, give you more energy, and elevate alertness.

Ginger, commonly used as ingredients in many dishes that we prepare, is one herb that boost metabolism. Ginger can help in weight loss because besides boosting your metabolism, it also helps curb your appetite. Gingerol is the major active component in ginger.

Green Tea is another commonly used herb that boost metabolism. Green tea causes a rise in body temperature, thus releasing a chemical, norepinephrine, which increases the burning of calories.

Kelp is seaweed that affects your thyroid gland to raise your basal metabolism. Basal metabolic rate is the speed that your body burns calories while your body is at rest. Therefore we can consider kelp as an herb that boost metabolism. If one is on high blood pressure medication the doctor say that it is safe to take kelp at the same time, because it can increase the potassium in you blood to an unsafe level.

Cayenne Pepper is another herb that boost metabolism. It contains Capsaicin that is shown to keep your metabolism high hours after eating it. Cayenne pepper is a good source of Vitamins C and D, the Vitamin B complex, and has high content of organic calcium and potassium. Capsaicin is a natural stimulant that does not cause bad side effects like palpitations, or rise in blood pressure, unlike other stimulants.

Turmeric used in most curry dishes, besides being herbs that boost metabolism, lowers blood sugar levels, can help detoxify your blood, and has anti-inflammatory effect and can be an effective pain reliever. It is advisable to take it with black pepper (peperine).

Yerba Mate is an herb that boost metabolism. It contains a component mateine that increase metabolism and energy. People who have high blood pressure or are sensitive to stimulants should not take Yerba Mate.

White Willow can be found in many weight loss supplements because if it ability to raise metabolic

Herbs are best when obtained as organic herbs and pesticide-free. Growing your own herbs is the greenest way to do it. The second best way is by buying the herbs fresh from your local Farmer's market vendor that you trust that do not use pesticides

For your free report and more information on Herb That Boost Metabolism click here

About the Author:

About the Author: Elisa T Sanchez is a voracious reader and researcher. She likes to share information that she learns about health, and weight loss in particular.

13 Beauty Tips and Tricks To Keep Yourself Younger Looking and Beautiful

If you are looking for some simple and easy beauty tips and tricks to keep yourself younger looking and beautiful then this article will provide just that.

Beauty Tips and Tricks #1

Pink is a good way to draw attention away from skin issues. It can detract from acne and red puffy eyes.

Beauty Tips and Tricks #2

Wearing sunglasses can make an individual look either more attractive or less. It is a decision that
needs to be considered by the individual looking to wear sunglasses. Ask yourself, Are these important?, are just a few questions to ask.

Beauty Tips and Tricks #3

Zinc is an essential mineral that is one the keys to looking your best. It is an antioxidant that helps to fight off damaging toxins and free radicals that damage the body's cells, found in environmental pollution. Zinc is also vital to the body's ability to heal cuts. To increase you intake of zinc, you can take a supplement or eat foods, such as dark chocolate, that are naturally high in zinc.

Beauty Tips and Tricks #4

As a woman who enjoys looking good, you are sure to be concerned with the appearance of your hair. Conditioners should always be used!

Beauty Tips and Tricks #5

Some beauty and hair products can leave your hair follicles open and tanning could cause some skin troubles. If you do, you may experience extreme irritation. Also stay away from products that have a strong scent after you sugar or wax, they will also lead to irritation that can be hard to find relief from.

Beauty Tips and Tricks #6

Improving your appearance begins with your thinking. In a lot of cases, the difference between a nice appearance and a not-so-nice appearance is just a matter of getting educated. When you know what you need to do to look good, it is far easier to make that happen.

Beauty Tips and Tricks #7

To make your eyes look larger, use a layered makeup effect. Apply a primer, and then put on some foundation and then some powder. Highlighting eye shadow is placed on the inside corners, as well as along the brow bone. Use a pencil to apply your eyeliner. You can smudge your eyeliner upward if you wish. By doing this, you will make your eyes look larger.

Beauty Tips and Tricks #8

Don't forget about your eyelashes when it comes to beauty. If you want to make your eyelashes fuller, try using a lengthening mascara that is also waterproof. Many brands of mascara have a formula specifically devoted to boosting length and curl. The truth is that these products often just leave your lashes clumpy and flake off. They will weigh down your lashes. As an alternative, try a waterproof lengthening formula instead. This will help your lashes look voluminous and curl upward.

Beauty Tips and Tricks #9

Keep some of your beauty products in the fridge. You definitely want to do this in summertime! If you store your beauty products, like oils, toners and lotions on ice, they are easy to apply even during scorching weather. Keeping them cool will also give you skin some relief in hot temperatures.

Beauty Tips and Tricks #10

It is very easy to ruin your manicure if your application of the topcoat allows bubbles to form. Apply polish sparingly to your nail polish brush to avoid trapping air bubbles under the top coat of polish when you put it on your fingernails. Go slowly when you are painting your nails. It may take a bit longer, but your nails will look professionally manicured.

Beauty Tips and Tricks #11

Use Vaseline on your feet at night. When you wake up in the morning, your feet will be incredibly smooth. Start rubbing your feet every night before going to bed. Apply Vaseline to your feet and then slip on some thick socks right before heading to bed.
Beauty Tips and Tricks #12
UVA rays can damage your skin just as easily in winter months as they can in the summer. It's important to keep skin protected and minimize the damage that can cause wrinkles, sun spots, and skin cancer.

Beauty Tips and Tricks #13

You could create your own mouthwash at home using a mixture of peppermint oil and purified water. For each ounce of water, add a single drop of oil. Start by boiling the water, then decant the oil into a heat-resistant glass container. Next, slowly add the boiling water to the container. Now, put a clean cloth over the container and allow the whole thing to cool. Empty into a container that has a tight fitting lid. This can now be used as a mouthwash.
There are many products available in the marketplace to improve your looks. Try using these simple beauty tips and tricks to enhance your beauty and get others to notice you. Simple methods for making yourself beautiful are within your grasp.

About the Author:

Are you feeling depressed because you do not feel as beautiful as you want to be? Looking for tips and suggestions on how you can transform your looks to become more beautiful. I've been there too and know how you must be feeling. This is what prompted me to create a website devoted to showing you how to be beautiful today. For example read my Beauty Tips And Tricks To Keep Your Makeup Looking Great All Day, these tips by the way are also applicable for females of all ages.

Fabulous Benefits of Walking - Good for Your Body and Mind!

The benefits of walking will impact your physical and emotional health. Not only will you look better, but you'll feel better too. Walking will help you lose weight, get fit, improve your moods and reduce your carbon footprint. Truly, walking is one of the most perfect sports! Read on for more exciting benefits.

Benefits of Walking - Physical Health

Research has shown that walking can control or prevent some cancers, such as breast cancer. In addition, it can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Walking can lower blood pressure; improve your energy level and overall stamina. It will increase your metabolism, making it easier to burn calories, even while sleeping or reading a book!

Benefits of Walking - Emotional Health

Studies have shown that walking improves moods and self-esteem. It has also been shown to reduce the symptoms of major depression.

Benefits of Walking - Slow the Signs of Aging

Walking is gentle on your joints, muscles and bones. The risk of injury is therefore extremely low. Walking can keep you in top physical condition with very little "wear and tear" to your body.

Walking will strengthen your bones and muscles and improve your circulation. This will make you look and feel younger.
Because it is considered a low to moderate impact activity, it doesn't cause injuries as often as high impact sports like running.

Benefits of Walking - Improve the Environment

Using your feet to get from one point to the other instead of your car helps reduce greenhouse gases, which improves the quality of the air and slows global warming.

Benefits of Walking - Improve Your Budget!

Besides a good pair of walking shoes, you won't need much else to begin walking. No expensive start-up fees or equipment is needed. This is one sport that costs very little. In addition, you can walk anywhere, anytime!

The emotional and physical benefits of walking are truly astounding. You'll begin to experience these benefits in a few short weeks.

Walking is safe and virtually anyone can do it. You can walk at home, at work or on vacation. It's portable and convenient!

If you can't find thirty minutes to an hour for walking, try breaking up your walks into fifteen-minute segments. These short bursts of activity have been shown to be just as effective as walking for a full thirty to sixty minutes.

Hopefully these benefits of walking have inspired you to begin a fitness walking routine. Check with your doctor first to ensure you are ready to exercise. In a few weeks, you'll be on your way to leaner, trimmer, fitter, younger-looking you!

About the Author

For more incredible benefits of walking, visit or

About the Author:
Melissa Ellefsen is passionate about fitness walking! Visit for advice, recommendations and the latest news on all things related to fitness walking.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes

While dark eye circles might simply mean you are exhausted, that might not be the only case in all circumstances. Sometimes a simple reason like sleeping late in the night or lack of sleep and constant sun exposure can give you dark circles. On the other hand, medical conditions like nasal congestion
or eczema can be another potent factor. We just want you to get sure about this. If you think you have very rigid dark circle problem without any reason, probably some unknown medical condition is causing the condition. We advise medical attention in this case.

You might not know this factor or may not take it seriously, but allergies are very much capable of giving you dark eye circles. It has been observed that untreated allergies cause skin discoloration of the under eye skin. As you know that the skin under your eyes are the thinnest on your body, every little change in your health condition can greatly reflect through the dark circles. So, if you think that your problem is persistent and does not show any sign of improvement, there could be some other reasons behind the condition. Why not take a routine checkup? That should be enough to diagnose if you have any internal complications.

A little bitter but a proven fact is that the problem of dark eye circles could be due to a hereditary problem. Yes, genes often play a very important role in this. We wish there were no such reasons like that. Anyway, if that is the case, you just have to keep your eye skin healthy, protect it and take maximum care. We have suggested a few easy homemade tips for dark circles in other write ups.
Make a note of your food. Although we tend to ignore this part, believe us, taking care of the diet is too important for controlling this situation. If you don't know what you are putting in your gut, how do you know if you are getting the right vitamins and minerals? Yes, a lack of nutrition can cause dark eye circles.

What else? Like alcohol, smoking can also be a leading cause of this problem. While you are making efforts to get rid of this problem, just try this too. Try to reduce smoking and see if you can notice any improvement. See, any kind of internal problems, starting from simple to the severe ones, can give you dark circles. Just try to figure out what is really making this nonsense.

When you know what is exactly causing the discoloration of the under eye skin, you can then figure out the most effective ways to improvise the condition. It will be much easier for you that way. If your problem is not aging, we mean if you are too young to have this condition, probably stress or lack of rest is buying you the headache. Yes, you can get dark eye circles if you think you don't need rest.

Take care of your under eye skin. That skin is too delicate. You need something very natural and special for treating the condition. RevitaLume can be a good natural eye skin care cream.

About the Author:

For more information on Dark Circles Gone and Dark Circles Under Eyes. Visit Today -

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Health Benefits of Ginseng Herb

Ginseng is a natural herb that can come from a variety of different plants growing naturally in eastern Asia. The plants that fall into the ginseng family all have fleshy roots and have something in them called "ginsenosides." Without the present of the ginsenosides a plant is not a true ginseng plant. Today, this family of plant is used in natural herbal supplements for a variety of different purposes.
The benefits of ginseng have been known to many cultures for thousands of years. Grown in the cool climates of East Asia, the ginseng root has been taken orally to aid the body in a variety of ways, from curing illnesses to aiding digestion to simply keeping the body healthy and strong. In many traditional societies, ginseng benefits are well documented, and they have ranged from more specific applications like curing hepatitis C to more broad benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and increasing stamina.

Ginseng has complex carbohydrates, it is an anti inflammatory, an anti oxidant, and has anti cancer elements. It is also known for creating energy. That's why most of the energy drinks contain Ginseng. The Chinese are the first to discover this.Ginseng are known for its ability to maintain a good balance in human both mentally and physically. For example American known Ginseng for treating stress and mental lucidity.

In today's fast-paced world, people dream of having something that can cure them within a wink of an eye. Ginseng is not the answer to all problems, but possesses certain properties that can help in curing many diseases. It has such a high demand that the supply is never enough to meet the demand. Some of the benefits include its medicinal properties to help cure cholesterol related problems. It is widely used to lower cholesterol, increase energy, and endurance, reduce fatigue and effects of stress. It is also viewed as help for people with diabetes

Choosing Ginseng Supplements
There are a wide variety of supplements that include ginseng as an active ingredient today, but you have to analyze them carefully before making your purchase. These supplements are widely available but you don't want to just walk into a store and pick up the cheapest bottle. Some manufacturers use the leaves of ginseng plants, while it is the roots that are the most potent. Other manufacturers may use very small concentrations of ginseng which won't do you much good while still others use plants that are not genuine ginseng.

Health benefits of Ginseng:
o Ginseng aids digestion process and builds up an appetite. It cures diarrhea.
o It is highly beneficial in treating asthma and respiratory disorders.
o It treats diabetes, arthritis and stomach ulcers.
o It minimizes the risk of developing cancer.
o It reduces physical and mental stress. It helps to get relief from fatigue.
o It boosts the immune system.
o It reduces the effects of Crohn's disease.
o It is effective in reducing bad cholesterol levels.
o It stimulates blood circulation.
o It improves the performance and endurance of athletes.
o It helps to improve mental clarity and awareness.
o It treats hypertension.
o Ginseng is used to treat various ailments like heart attacks, infertility and menopausal problems.
o One of the most important health benefits of ginseng is that it improves energy levels and cognitive ability.
o It stimulates the production of biochemicals and helps to cope with stress.
o Ginseng may be useful in increasing testosterone levels and sperm production.
o It is believed to be helpful in penile erection.
o It treats mood swings and pre menstrual syndrome in women.
o It can improve pulmonary function and help to reduce the effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
o It may reduce angina chest pain.
o Ginseng can enhance the effectiveness of antibiotics taken by people suffering from acute bronchitis. It also prepares the body to respond well to influenza vaccines.
o People suffering from low white blood cell counts can take ginseng extract to improve the condition.

About the Author:

Read about natural remedies Also read about home remedies for neuritis and home remedies for nausea .

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Tips during Pregnancy

You will be perhaps receiving advice from everyone-your intern, family constituents, associates, co-workers and even achieve strangers-about what you ought and ought not to be doing.
But staying favourable during pregnancy depends on you, so it is essential to arm yourself with learning come seal the many ways to save you and your infant as favourable as possible.

Regular check-ups

The essential to sheltering the medicinal of your infant is to receive regular prenatal care. Getting Prenatal care as before long as you know you are pregnant (or, if possible, in the past you conceive) and supposing your medicinal care provider usually as your pregnancy progresses are very

You ought to have your first check during the first 6-8 weeks of your pregnancy, where your intern will figure out how many weeks pregnant you are based on a physical check and the date of your terminal period.

If you are favourable and there are no complicating danger factors, you can expect to suppose your healthcare provider

* Every 4 weeks until the 28th week of pregnancy.
* Every 3 weeks until 38 weeks.
* Twice a month until delivery time.

Throughout your pregnancy, your healthcare provider will investigate your sinking implement and blood pressure where also investigating the growth and expansion of your baby. During the bounds of your pregnancy, you will also have prenatal trials, surrounding blood, urine and cervical trials, and perhaps at least one Ultrasound.

Eat a favourable and nutritious diet

During pregnancy, you ought to eat a balanced and nutritious diet. You ought to also enhance your calorie intake to find the requires of your growing infant and your modifying body.
noteworthy to you and your baby's health.

Exercise regularly
A good workout program can give you the power and endurance you will need to convey the heaviness you gain throughout pregnancy and to handle the personal tension of labor. It will furthermore make it much simpler to get back into form after your baby is born. Exercise can increase your spirits and help ward off the pregnancy blues. If you are utilized to taking workout in the pattern of a games, you can extend with this as long as it feels snug for you, except your specific games carries a risk of falls or knocks.

Avoid alcoholic beverage and smoking
Alcohol is wholeheartedly off limits. Drinking even little allowances of any alcoholic beverage, encompassing beer, can lead to mental retardation and facial deformities. It is furthermore a foremost component of Low-birth Weight and delayed growth.

About the Author:

A good workout program can give you the power and endurance you will need to convey the heaviness you gain throughout Pregnancy and to handle the personal tension of labor, your Pregnancy health also depend upon your regular exercise.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Fasting Health Benefits

Fasting is defined as abstinence from all food and drink apart from water for a limited period of time to maintain or improve health, or treat a specific illness. Juice fasting, a popular variation, is abstinence from all food and drink except water, vegetable juices and fruit juices. A modified fast

includes small amounts of solid food, usually raw fruits as well as raw and steamed vegetables. Some advocates of fasting include other modifications as well, such as vegetable broth, herbal teas and nutritional supplements. Most of the research into the therapeutic value of fasting has explored the 'only water' method.
A short fast, lasting from one to three days, can generally be tolerated by most people. An extended fast like more than three days should be supervised by a doctor, preferably one trained in fasting therapy.

Fasting has been known since ancient times. In fact, there are references to it in the Bible, the Koran and ancient Indian, Chinese and Greek medical texts. Historically, people have fasted as part of religious rituals, as a way of expressing grief, and as part of political protests. Fasting to benefit health is a relatively new practice and is generally undertaken only in prosperous Western societies

Published research into therapeutic fasting first appeared in the late nineteenth century. Since that time articles have appeared in conventional medical journals in both the United States and Europe showing the positive results of supervised fasting in treating various diseases, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, skin disease, gastrointestinal disease, arthritis and allergies. How fasting positively affects these diseases and what its long-term effects are, depends on the ailment. If anyone has a chronic medical problem and is interested in the benefits of fasting as a therapeutic modality specific to the condition, the best bet is to locate a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath with some experience in the field.
There is very little published evidence that fasting has any value for a healthy individual. Even so, practitioners of naturopathic medicine regularly recommend fasting as the therapeutic tool for internal cleansing, otherwise known as detoxification. Periodic fasting, naturopaths believe, helps overworked systems like the gastrointestinal tract, skin, liver, and kidneys remove potentially damaging toxins from the body.
A naturopathic definition of what constitutes a 'toxin' vastly exceeds that of conventional medicine. While both camps tend to agree that certain heavy metals like lead, cadmium, mercury and chemical compounds like pesticides, herbicides, solvents are toxic, naturopaths expand the list to include food additives, many commonly prescribed drugs, cigarettes, recreational drugs and alcohol. Substances produced by bacteria-induced chemical reactions in the intestine.
In addition to using fasting for cleansing purposes, many healthy individuals find it a useful way of weaning themselves off of unhealthy foods. A fast of no more than three days can be used to launch a healthier diet for example, changing to a vegetarian diet from a meat-based regimen.
A fast can also be an effective way to begin a low calorie diet, a signal to the body that it is altering the way you eat. The hunger produced from a fast can lead some people to splurge afterward. The 'to and fro' effect of fasting and binging can slow down metabolism, making it harder to lose weight in the long run.

About the Author:

 I am 33 years old Internet Marketing consultant and content writer from India.
fasting benifits

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Top 4 benefits of jogging

Jogging offers benefits such burning extra calories. Our body normally burns 2,000 calories from our daily routines such as doing work. The amount of calories burn depends on how many miles you run by 100 calories every mile. If for example, you run three miles, 300 calories will be burned. So the farther you ran, the more calories are burned. Combined with a healthy diet and proper jogging
exercise, one can be able to reduce weight.

Aside from the fact that jogging can help you lose weight, here are the top 4 benefits of jogging:

1. It helps one get proper sleep. Jogging daily makes positive sleeping habit. One may only need less sleep at night and wake up energize. So you do need to tell someone to wake up early in the morning since your body is now programmed. Aside from becoming energetic, your mind is more active causing you to be more productive all day. This is because jogging aids the growth of your brain cells.

2. Keeps you away from disease. Jogging prevents heart disease and diabetes. It is also advisable to do by someone who has diabetes since it helps them manage their disease. Running or jogging is really beneficial to one's health. You can get more health advantage when you jog every day.

3. It gets rid of stress. Running helps reduce and eventually eliminate stress. This is clinically proven and is healthy. Jogging 30 minutes a day is a good way to combat stress.

4. Helps reduce anxiety. Running is said to liberate endorphins, known as the stress fighter, giving them very calm emotional state. In the hospitals, many doctors and psychologist jog with their patience to change patient's behavior and make them calmer.
In addition, jogging also boosts people's self confidence because it helps them accomplish their goals and make them feels great. Perhaps, there is nothing better you can do and give to your body but jogging. It helps you burn a lot of calories per day and your body in return returns prize of good health that it deserves.

About the Author:

Visit for more information about the right workout program for you.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Bitter Gourd: Vegetable with Several Curative Properties

The bitter gourd or bitter cucumber (Karela) is the extensively grown vegetable in India, Sri Lanka, Caribbean, Indonesia, Malaysia, China and Philippines. It is found to be 20 cm long and has blunt tubercles. These are mainly found in two types. One type is long and pale green in color; other is oval, small and dark green in colour. Both are found to be bitter in taste.
Bitter gourd being antidotal, appetizing, anti bilious, antipyretic is considered to be the excellent medicine for curing several health ailments such as:
Diabetes: The bitter gourd is considered to be the chief medicine for curing diabetes. It should be included into the diet of diabetic patient liberally. It is advised that the diabetic patient should take juice of five fruits every day empty stomach in the morning. Furthermore he can add the powder of the seeds into the dietary food to have beneficial results.
Piles: To cure piles it is advised that the juices of bitter gourd leaves in the quantity of three tsp duly mixed with one glass of buttermilk should be consumed daily in the morning for 30 days to have beneficial results.
Blood Disorders: To cure various problems related to blood boils, itching, psoriasis, scabies, ring-worm it is advised that one cup of the bitter cucumber juice mixed with 1 tsp of lime juice should be consumed everyday in the morning with empty stomach for 6 months to have beneficial results.
Respiratory Disorders: To cure problems related to bronchitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis and asthma it is advised that one tsp of the bitter cucumber root paste mixed with honey or tulsi leaf should be consumed everyday at night particularly for one moth to have beneficial results.
Alcoholism: The consumption of bitter gourd is really beneficial in treating alcoholism and liver damage in the body. It is advised to sip two tsp of this juice daily to have beneficial results.
Cholera: To cure cholera and diarrhea, it is advised that two tsp of bitter gourd juice mixed with the juice of white onion and lime juice in same proportion should be consumed to have beneficial results.
Immune Booster: The consumption of one glass of the bitter cucumber juice everyday in the morning helps in strengthening the immune system of the body to fight numerous infections.
While choosing the bitter gourd ensure that it is unripe and firm like cucumber. Avoid selecting the ones, which have tuned out pale orange or soft in consistency. These can be perfectly kept for five days under refrigeration at right temperature.
Bitter gourd being antidotal, appetizing, antibilious, antipyretic is considered to be the excellent medicine for curing several health ailments. It is extensively grown in the parts of India, Sri Lanka, Caribbean, Indonesia, Malaysia, China and Philippines. These are mainly found in two types. One type is long and pale green in color; other is oval, small and dark green in colour. Both are found to be bitter in taste.

About the Author:

For benefit of readers our website has useful related information for Chronic Gout, and also good stuff about Gout Diet.